Marketing and communications agency näkyy ja Kuuluu

Need help delivering your message?

Näkyy ja Kuuluu is a small Tampere-based marketing and communications agency. The duo who run it, Jaakko and Riku, have a total of about 30 years’ experience in the industry. 

We produce, among other things, websites, social media campaigns, print material, communication plans and marketing texts, and we also do language revision in Finnish.

The secret behind our skills? There is no secret. We share our know-how with others through training and consulting.

We are particularly good at media communication, which produces so-called ‘earned visibility’ in traditional Finnish media. Our Content Manager, Jaakko, has written about this in his book ‘Ansaittu julkisuus – kaikki olennainen mediaviestinnästä’ (Earned publicity – the fundamentals of media communication), published in 2020.

Our services and prices are particularly suitable for small- and medium-sized enterprises, non-profit organisations, people in the field of arts and entertainment, and ideological campaigns.

Here are some of our customers and what we’ve done for them: 

  • Fazer – staff magazine
  • Global EcoProcess Services (EPSE) – media communications, communications strategy, logo
  • Ideapark – customer magazine
  • Kiljavan Lääketutkimus (Kiljava Medical Research) – social media campaign
  • Pakkausalan Ympäristörekisteri (Finnish Packaging Recycling RINKI Ltd) – trade magazine
  • Provinssirock – advertisement paper
  • Sovelto – multichannel content marketing
  • Suomen freelance-journalistit ry. (Association of Freelance Journalists in Finland) – new website
  • Suomen Musiikkiteatteri (The Finnish Musical Theatre) – new website, new visual identity, communications training
  • Uudenmaan Vihreät (The Greens in Uusimaa) – communication strategy and media communications training

We are here so that you and your target group can find each other.

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